Monday, January 25, 2010

Drugs drugs drugs

I've been sneezing and coughing now for more than a week so I went to the health centre of PolyU today. I was there first time so the nurse checked the blood pressure, my weight and height and asked questions like "how many siblings I have, how many of them are male and how many female". And I was thinking that I came here for my allergic symptoms.. :D But the good thing is that now I know how much I weight so I can give you an update since I wasn't able to do so last time.

TADAA: 55,1kg (and the nurse said I'm really fit, hohoohoo) This means I have no worries yet and I can keep on eating as much as I can.

Now back to the doctor. It took only like 5minutes the actual appointment with the doctor. She agreed with me that it must be some allergy and wrote a prescription for the medicines. So I went to pick them, and this is what I got:

Three different pills: the one on up-left is two times a day, the one on up-right is four times a day and the one on bottom is three times a day. In addition for the coughing there's a small bottle of something that I need to take 4 times a day and it may cause drowsiness so I guess I'm not going out for a while. =p And how much all this cost me? Only 5 eur.

I just hope all these drugs will cure me..

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