Monday, March 1, 2010

The Philippines

Time to recall what happened in Manila and Puerto Galera in Philippines! Where to start..

On 16 Feb late afternoon I left the Halls with 6 other girls to start our trip to Manila.

Makati, the fancy business district (and the cleanest place) of Manila:

The central of Manila: really dirty and crowded place with street stalls, local students and jeepneys.
City Hall
Jeepney - the local mini bus

The main post office which didn't sell tourist post cards
(it seemed like the whole city didn't sell Manila-postcards)

First dinner in Manila celebrating the birthday of Sophie. Some stuffed squid with rice. :)

Our lovely hostel in Santa Cruz, Manila: Chateu de Elizabeth aka Red Carabao
Leaving the hostel for the trip to Pier Batangas and Puerto Galera instead of taking the flight to Legaspi and then bus ride to Donsol to see whalesharks which was our first plan.. :D

After 2,5 hours bus ride and 1,5 hours boat trip we finally arrived to White Beach, Puerto Galera:
View from the balcony of our hostel which wasn't as nice as the one in Manila
Philippines was small: we met two other exchange students (Gustav & Jonas)
who are also from the PolyU, our university!
Fresh pineapple and mango smoothie, delicious!
Peaceful day on the beach under a palm tree after Sophie got sunburnt badly.
Romantic sunset on the White beach

French toast and "mojitos shot" for the last breakfast in White beach
Our way back to the hostel, if we stayed too late out.. XD
Our "White Beach Express" back to the Batangas pier

And back to the Manila for last moments in Philippines...

Brownie frappuccino was so delicious, especially when enjoyed after the hot day ;)
The last dinner in Makati in Gerry's grill that served some pinoy bbq food

The last morning in Manila at the airport waiting for the flight that was delayed for almost two hours...

Cebu pacific air, our airline for this trip

1 comment:

  1. Ihanan näköstä, mä en niiiin kestä :D oon onnellinen kyl sun puolesta ku pääset kokemaan kaikkea ihanaa siellä <3
